ELEC-E7890 - User Research
Lecture 10 - User modeling
Aini Putkonen, Aalto University
Materials adapted from Aurélien Nioche. If you have any questions or suggestions for the materials, please contact aini.putkonen@aalto.fi.
# Import the libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import string # For adding letters in the figures
import scipy.special as sps # For gamma function
from tqdm import tqdm
import sys
import scipy
from itertools import product
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina' # For not burning your eyes
sns.set_theme(context="notebook", style="white")
# Define a folder for the bkp
BKP_FOLDER = "bkp"
DATA_FOLDER = "data"
# Create this folder if it doesn't exist
os.makedirs(BKP_FOLDER, exist_ok=True)
Consider the following example (adapted from Rich, 1979):
A person walks into a library and asks for recommendations of materials related to computers from the librarian. In order to provide useful recommendations, the librarian must have more information about this individual (e.g, occupation, age, interests and language preferences). They must construct a model of the person.
Then consider the following example:
The same individual is buying a book related to computers in a web shop. They type the key word in the search bar and the web shop provides them several options to choose from. The web shop acts in the same role as the librarian: it holds a model of the user and provides recommendations based on it.
That is, user models are simply models that systems hold of users (Fischer, 2000).
More specifically, a system collects data collected about a user, which is then processed to a user model to perform adaptation (especially in the context of HCI).
The user modeling-adaptation loop. Image redrawn from Knutov (2012), adapted from Brusilovsky (1996) and also presented in De Bra (2017).
User models may have various goals, including (Webb, 2000; De Bra, 2017):
Have a look at the references for more comprehensive analysis.
User models are ubiquitous today, taking many forms and using several techniques. For instance, user models can be used in recommender systems, menu adaptation, news applications and search engines.
User research and user modeling are related concepts: user research can be used to build user models.
The diagram below illustrates the relationship between user models and user research. Assume that we are attempting to better understand user behavior in a streaming platform, specifically when the user is choosing content to view.
User research: We decide to perform a quantitative study of the categories of films users most often want to watch. Hence, we (1) collect data by recording user behavior in a task and then (2) produce descriptive statistics of this dataset. This data can then be further analyzed, and some hypotheses of user behavior are formed.
User modeling: User modeling builds on user research. The hypotheses formed about user behavior are summarized into (3) a user model. Then this user model can be (4) used to produce data in similar tasks as the real users encountered. If the user model is accurate at capturing user behavior, (5) the data produced by it should produce similar descriptive statistics as the ground truth data.
A perspective on the relationship between user research and user modeling.
User modeling is not an easy task due to the complexity of behavior users can exhibit. Advances in computational techniques allow flexibility in user modeling, but also introduce challenges, some of which are listed below (adapted from De Bra, 2017; Webb, 2000).
The user should be able to trace what the system knows about them and how the model is constructed.
Update 20/10/2021: This section previously contained the word 'tractable', but here we actually refer to the ability to 'trace' a user model.
User modeling research can take place in various application contexts (e.g., recommendation systems, menu adaptation, intelligent tutoring systems, social media, etc.). A user model should produce results that are stable in similar applications, and ideally, across contexts.
Certain user modeling approaches may be highly costly to run, which can make them inconvenient to use in live systems.
Some data-driven approaches require large datasets, which may be infeasible to collect within an interactive system. Similarly, obtaining labeled data can be a challenge.
Different model types address the challenges presented in the previous section. Two important distinctions are the difference between theory-based and data-driven models as well as individual-level and aggregate models.
Theory-based models are based on some model with (mostly) interpretable parameters. The benefits of theory-based models are that they are more traceable and require smaller datasets than data-driven models. The downside is that the given theory-based model needs to be a good description of the underlying phenomenon to produce meaningful results.
In data-driven models the relationships between different features are learned (though this definition does not necessarily describe all data-driven models). The benefit of these models is, for instance, their predictive accuracy. On the other hand, data-driven model may come with the downside of computational complexity.
Note that models also exist between theory-based and data-driven models.
In HCI applications, modeling the behavior of an individual user is often critical as their preferences may deviate from the average. However, if it is safe to assume that the behavior across individuals is similar, adopting an aggregate model can also be acceptable.
In this lecture, we will focus on a simple theory-based approach to user modeling, using techniques from computational cognitive modeling. This section of the lecture is based on a tutorial by Wilson & Collins (2019). We will work through a user modeling example by asking the following question:
How do people choose from a pool of options?
In order to answer this question, we need to specify which task we are modeling and with which model.
Specifically, imagine that a user is choosing a movie among a pool of options. Each movie is either a 'success' or a 'failure', that is, the user either likes the movie or hates it. We are interested in learning how individuals make choices between these options.
The above task can be modelled as a bandit.
Task: Bandit task
# Define the parameters of the bandit task
N = 2 # Number of options
P = np.array([0.5, 0.75]) # Probability of different options
T = 500 # Number of trials
Here, we will consider that each agent has the opportunity at each $t\in T$ to:
class GenericPlayer:
Generic Player
param_labels = ()
fit_bounds = ()
def __init__(self):
self.options = np.arange(N)
def decision_rule(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def learning_rule(self, option, success):
raise NotImplementedError
def choose(self):
p = self.decision_rule()
return np.random.choice(self.options, p=p)
M1. Win-Stay-Lose-Switch (Noisy variant)
where $\epsilon \in [0, 1]$ is a free parameter describing the probability to choose randomly instead of applying the "Win-Stay-Lose-Switch' rule.
class WSLS(GenericPlayer):
param_labels = "epsilon",
fit_bounds = (0., 1),
def __init__(self, epsilon):
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.c = -1
self.r = -1
def decision_rule(self):
if self.c == -1:
return np.ones(N) / N # First turn
p = np.zeros(N)
p_apply_rule = 1 - self.epsilon # 1 - epsilon: apply the rule
p_random = self.epsilon / N # epsilon: pick up randomly
if self.r:
p[self.options != self.c] = p_random
p[self.c] = 1 - np.sum(p) # p_apply_rule + p_random
p[self.options != self.c] = p_apply_rule / (N - 1) + p_random
p[self.c] = 1 - np.sum(p) # p_random
return p
def learning_rule(self, option, success):
self.r = success
self.c = option
In this section we look at how to fit a model to given data using maximum likelihood estimation.
Note: For several reasons (including numerical precision on computers but also easier algebraic manipulation), it is preferable to use the log-likelihood than the likelihood.
def log_likelihood(model, param, data):
# Create the agent
agent = model(*param)
# Data container
ll = np.zeros(T)
# Simulate the task
for t in range(T):
# Get choice and success for t
c, s = data.choice[t], data.success[t]
# Look at probability of choice
p_choice = agent.decision_rule()
p = p_choice[c]
# Compute log
ll[t] = np.log(p + np.finfo(float).eps)
# Make agent learn
agent.learning_rule(option=c, success=s)
return np.sum(ll)
Note: Here, we will use the function 'minimize' from the SciPy library. However, there is multiple of other ways to do it., see for instance here
def objective(param, model, data):
# Since we will look for the minimum,
# let's return -LLS instead of LLS
return - log_likelihood(model=model,
def optimize(model, data):
# Define an init guess
init_guess = [(b[1] - b[0])/2 for b in model.fit_bounds]
# Run the optimizer
res = scipy.optimize.minimize(
args=(model, data))
# Make sure that the optimizer ended up with success
assert res.success
# Get the best param and best value from the
best_param = res.x
best_value = res.fun
return best_param, best_value
In this section we will explore how the model fitting procedure described above works in practice.
First, assume that some data has already been collected in the described bandit task and we can use it directly in model fitting.
# Load the data
wsls_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, "wsls-data.csv"),
# Print...
The model fitting procedure is defined above, hence we can simply fit the model to the data as follows.
# Optimize
best_param, best_value = optimize(model=WSLS, data=wsls_data)
print (f"Estimate for parameter: {best_param.item()}")
print (f"Corresponding log-likelihood: {best_value}")
Let's have a closer look what happens under the hood by exploring log-likelihoods different parameter values have. First, define the parameter values to explore.
# Choose the model
model = WSLS
# Choose the number of parameters to explore
grid_size = 1000
# Set the values to use for each parameter
parameter_values = np.atleast_2d([np.linspace(*b, grid_size)
for b in model.fit_bounds])
# Create a grid (for one parameter models this is step is not necessary)
grid = np.asarray(list(product(*parameter_values)))
# Create a dataframe that stores it
grid_df = pd.DataFrame(grid, columns=(r"$\epsilon$",))
# Print...
Then calculate $P(D)$ for each of these values of $\epsilon$ using the log-likelihood sum (LLS). That is, consider that we have dataset $D$ that contains data from each time step $t$. At each time step $t$ choice $d$ is recorded. Thus, the following is calculated:
\begin{aligned} \text{log} p(D) &= \text{log}[p(d_1) \times p(d_2) ... \times p(d_t)] \\ \text{log} p(D) &= \text{log} p(d_1) + \text{log} p(d_2) + ... + \text{log} p(d_t) \\ \text{log} p(D) &= \sum \text{log} p(d) \end{aligned}This is implemented in the log_likelihood
function above. The aim is to maximize LLS, which is equivalent to minimizing negative LLS.
# Results container
row_list = []
print("Computing data for parameter space exploration...")
# Loop over each value of the parameter grid for all parameters
for _, param in tqdm(grid_df.iterrows(), total=len(grid_df), file=sys.stdout):
# Compute the log-likelihood
ll = log_likelihood(
data=wsls_data, # THIS IS SPECIFIC
model=model, # THIS IS SPECIFIC
# Backup
r"$\epsilon$": param[r"$\epsilon$"],
"log-likelihood": ll})
# Create a dataframe
ll_df = pd.DataFrame(row_list)
# Save it for later use
ll_df.to_csv(os.path.join(BKP_FOLDER, "log_likelihood_grid-bhv_single.csv"))
# Print...
As mentioned, the log-likelihoods above are negative, in contrast to the best_value
returned earlier. Note that the objective
function returns the negative LLS, so we find the minimum which corresponds to the best fit parameter value.
row_max_ll = ll_df.loc[ll_df["log-likelihood"] == ll_df["log-likelihood"].max()]
best_param_manual, best_value_manual = row_max_ll["$\epsilon$"].item(), row_max_ll["log-likelihood"].item()
print (f"Estimate for parameter: {best_param_manual}")
print (f"Corresponding log-likelihood: {best_value_manual}")
Finally, plotting LLS for each value of $\epsilon$ shows the maximum where $\epsilon \approx 0.26$.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(11,3))
for i in range(2):
sns.lineplot(x=r"$\epsilon$", y="log-likelihood", data=ll_df, ax=axs[i])
sns.scatterplot(x = [best_param_manual], y = [best_value_manual], ax = axs[i], color = "red", \
marker = 'X', s = 200)
Note that this data was originally generated with $\epsilon \approx 0.3$, so the estimate is close to ground truth.
Recall that in the model description we noted that $\epsilon$ is a free parameter describing the probability to choose randomly instead of applying the "Win-Stay-Lose-Switch" rule. The model fitting results can be interpreted in the light of this information. That is, the probability that an individual will choose randomly is around 0.26 according to our estimate. Given the task is to choose between movies in a streaming platform, the user behavior can be interpreted as follows: at probability 0.26 the user will choose randomly, otherwise if they like a movie, they will choose it again - and if the hate it, switch.
A benefit of a computational model of user behavior is that it is easy to simulate behaviors using this model, which is demonstrated below (in code and with a plot).
def run_simulation(model, param):
# Create the agent
agent = model(*param)
# Data containers
choices = np.zeros(T, dtype=int)
successes = np.zeros(T, dtype=bool)
# Simulate the task
for t in range(T):
# Determine choice
choice = agent.choose()
# Determine success
success = P[choice] > np.random.random()
# Make agent learn
agent.learning_rule(option=choice, success=success)
# Backup
choices[t] = choice
successes[t] = success
return pd.DataFrame({
"time": np.arange(T),
"choice": choices,
"success": successes})
# Seed the pseudo-random number generator
# We will experiment with Win-Stay Lose-Switch
model = WSLS
# Get data
param_single = np.array([0.1])
bhv_single = run_simulation(model=model, param=param_single)
# Backup
bhv_single.to_csv(os.path.join(BKP_FOLDER, "bhv_single.csv"))
# Load the data
bhv_single = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(BKP_FOLDER, "bhv_single.csv"),
# Print...
# Create figure and axes
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(12, 9))
# Show choices
sns.swarmplot(data=bhv_single, x='time', y='choice', ax=axes[0], orient="h")
# Show success
sns.swarmplot(data=bhv_single, x='time', y='success',
ax=axes[1], palette={True: "green", False: "red"}, orient="h")
After fitting a model to data, a necessary question that needs to be asked is: How confident can we be in our estimate? This section presents a technique called parameter recovery, which addresses this question.
Parameter recovery is used in judging whether a given model and estimation technique provide accurate and consistent results when fitted to data (see, e.g., Wilson & Collins (2019) or Heathcote et al. (2015)).
That is, consider data produced by a model with some parameters $\theta$. The same model is then fitted to this generated data to obtain inferred parameters $\hat{\theta}$. The generating parameters $\theta$ should be close to the inferred parameters $\hat{\theta}$. In our example case, this would mean the following: consider that there is an individual producing data with given value of $\epsilon$ in WSLS. We take the data that this individual has generated and fit WSLS to it. We should obtain a value of $\hat{\epsilon}$ that is close to the original one. If this is not the case, the parameters of the model do not recover.
Inadequate parameter recovery is a warning sign in modeling. It suggests that a given model specification or parameter inference technique might not be suitable for the given modeling task.
This can be also understood by thinking about a case when parameter recovery has not been verified and the modeler directly proceeds to fitting the model to data. The modeler assumes that the chosen model is a good description of the underlying phenomenon and thus trusts that the inferred parameters are accurate. However, since the ground truth parameters are unknown, there is no way of verifying the accuracy of the inferred parameters. Here parameter recovery can help. By considering data generated by known parameters, we can assess whether it is theoretically possible to recover the parameters and obtain consistent results.
As a caveat, even though unsuccessful parameter recovery is a warning sign suggesting that the given model should not be fitted to data with the chosen inference technique, good parameter recovery does not guarantee that results are reliable. However, they can increase our confidence in the inference results.
In this section we run a simple parameter recovery simulation.
Parameter recovery simulation conceptually and in code.
# Seed the pseudo-random number generator
# Select one model
model = WSLS
# Define the number of agents to simulate
n = 30
# Data container
row_list = []
# For each agent...
for i in tqdm(range(n), file=sys.stdout):
# Generate parameters to simualte
param_to_sim = [np.random.uniform(*b)
for b in model.fit_bounds]
# Simulate
d = run_simulation(model=model, param=param_to_sim)
# Optimize
best_param, best_value = optimize(model=model, data=d)
# Backup
for j in range(len(param_to_sim)):
"Parameter": model.param_labels[j],
"Used to simulate": param_to_sim[j],
"Recovered": best_param[j]})
# Create dataframe and save it
df = pd.DataFrame(row_list)
df.to_csv(os.path.join(BKP_FOLDER, "likelihood_explo.csv"))
# Load the dataframe and display it
df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(BKP_FOLDER, "likelihood_explo.csv"), index_col=[0])
# Plot
n_param = len(param_names)
# Define colors
colors = [f'C{i}' for i in range(n_param)]
# Create fig and axes
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=n_param,
figsize=(5, 5))
for i in range(n_param):
# Select ax
if n_param > 1:
ax = axes[i]
ax = axes
# Get param name
p_name = param_names[i]
# Set title
# Create scatter
sns.scatterplot(data=df[df["Parameter"] == p_name],
x="Used to simulate", y="Recovered",
alpha=0.5, color=colors[i],
# Plot identity function
ax.plot(param_bounds[i], param_bounds[i],
linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, color="black", zorder=-10)
# Set axes limits
# Square aspect
The plot given above gives us a rough idea of how well the parameters recover. That is, if parameter recovery is sufficient, the points should lie along the line of equality ($x=y$). For a more systematic analysis, calculating some indicator of the correlation between generating and inferred parameters is necessary (e.g., the Pearson correlation coefficient).
In addition to parameter recovery, some sensible checks are presented in Wilson & Collins (2019). For instance, it is sensible to:
But note that this list is not comprehensive and the work of a modeler is never complete!
In this lecture, we have:
P. De Bra, "Challenges in User Modeling and Personalization," in IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 76-80, September/October 2017, https://doi.org/10.1109/MIS.2017.3711638.
Brusilovsky, P. Methods and techniques of adaptive hypermedia. User Model User-Adap Inter 6, 87–129 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00143964
Fischer, G. User Modeling in Human–Computer Interaction. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 11, 65–86 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1011145532042
Heathcote A., Brown S., Wagenmakers EJ. (2015) An Introduction to Good Practices in Cognitive Modeling. In: Forstmann B., Wagenmakers EJ. (eds) An Introduction to Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-2236-9_2
Knutov, E. (2012). Generic adaptation framework for unifying adaptive web-based systems. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. https://doi.org/10.6100/IR732111
Kobsa, A. Generic User Modeling Systems. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 11, 49–63 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1011187500863
Rich, E. (1979). User modeling via stereotypes*. Cognitive Science, 3(4), 329–354. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15516709cog0304_3
Webb, G.I., Pazzani, M.J. & Billsus, D. Machine Learning for User Modeling. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 11, 19–29 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1011117102175
Wilson RC, Collins AG. Ten simple rules for the computational modeling of behavioral data. Elife. 2019 Nov 26;8:e49547. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.49547. PMID: 31769410; PMCID: PMC6879303.
A more comprehensive account of the techniques introduced in this lecture are available in previous year's lecture materials by Aurélien Nioche (available here and in Wilson & Collins (2019).