ELEC-E7890 - User Research

Lecture 3 - Inference

Aurélien Nioche

Aalto University

 Learning objectives

  • Understand what is a inferential test and a p value.
  • Being able to assess the statistical significance of an experimental result.
  • Understand the conditions of application of a test.
  • Being able to assess the external validity of a study.
  • Setup Python environment

    In [171]:
    # Import the libraries
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import os
    import seaborn as sns
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import scipy
    import scipy.stats as stats
    import string  # For adding letters in the figures
    import scipy.special # For gamma function
    from statsmodels.formula.api import ols # For regression analysis
    from statsmodels.stats.anova import anova_lm # For ANOVA
    %config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina' # For not burning your eyes
    np.set_printoptions(threshold=8) # Don't print to much elements when printing arrays 

    Inferential statistics: What for?

    To reply to the question:
  • Can we generalize what we observe in our sample to the parent population?
  • Example of application: Mean comparison

    Let's re-use the data from the last lecture...

    Generate data

    In [172]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Set the parameters
    mu_A = 150.0
    mu_B = 200.0
    small_sd = 10.0
    large_sd = 50.0
    n = 100
    In [173]:
    # Create the samples
    xA_small_sd = np.random.normal(mu_A, scale=small_sd, size=n)
    xB_small_sd = np.random.normal(mu_B, scale=small_sd, size=n)
    dataset_small_sd = pd.DataFrame({"xA": xA_small_sd, "xB": xB_small_sd})
    xA xB
    0 150.505617 207.382471
    1 154.999513 206.507532
    2 140.040911 206.147406
    3 156.935985 198.734314
    4 145.816985 215.788742
    ... ... ...
    95 155.232477 200.494765
    96 145.041815 197.386880
    97 148.285354 208.767425
    98 140.556314 195.171213
    99 152.808647 190.145815

    100 rows × 2 columns

    In [174]:
    xA_large_sd = np.random.normal(mu_A, scale=large_sd, size=n)
    xB_large_sd = np.random.normal(mu_B, scale=large_sd, size=n)
    dataset_large_sd = pd.DataFrame({"xA": xA_large_sd, "xB": xB_large_sd})
    xA xB
    0 126.366859 259.725813
    1 154.813397 175.063964
    2 211.460670 195.963019
    3 229.993876 296.893570
    4 130.029286 230.441861
    ... ... ...
    95 150.622999 197.350895
    96 136.217769 195.110524
    97 181.625723 250.307499
    98 194.219391 222.716143
    99 214.118368 179.276312

    100 rows × 2 columns

    Visualize the data

    In [175]:
    # Create figure and axes
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, figsize=(16, 9))
    # For each dataset (containing each two samples)
    datasets = dataset_large_sd, dataset_small_sd
    for i in range(len(datasets)):
        # Get data
        df = datasets[i]
        # Create histograms
        ax = axes[i, 0]
        sns.histplot(data=df, ax=ax, kde=False, element="step")
        # Plot the theoretical mean
        ax.axvline(mu_A, ls='--', color='black', alpha=0.1, lw=2)
        ax.axvline(mu_B, ls='--', color='black', alpha=0.1, lw=2)
        # Set the axis lables
        # Create a barplot
        ax = axes[i, 1]
        df = df.melt()
        sns.barplot(x="variable", y="value", ax=ax, data=df, ci="sd")
        # Add horizontal lines representing the means
        ax.axhline(mu_A, ls='--', color='black', alpha=0.1, lw=2)
        ax.axhline(mu_B, ls='--', color='black', alpha=0.1, lw=2)
        # Set the y limits
        ax.set_ylim(0, max(mu_A, mu_B) + large_sd * 1.25)

    What are we looking for?

    We want to test if the population mean of $x_A$ is likely to be the same as the population mean of $x_b$.


    • sample mean: what we observed in our (possibly small) sample
    • population mean: what the mean would be if we'd measure it taking all the individuals of the population the sample belongs to.

    Note that we assume here that both $x_A$ and $x_B$ are normally distributed, that is that the data come from a normal distribution. More on this later...

    Run test

    Let's see what happens for the dataset with small standard deviation.

    In [176]:
    # Run a Student's t-test
    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(dataset_small_sd.xA, dataset_small_sd.xB)
    # Print the results
    print(f"t={t}, p={p}")
    t=-36.785349613503, p=1.8931822436051005e-90
    The result of a t-test includes two element: the value of the t statistic, the p-value. The focus is often on the $p$-value. We consider as starting point a null hypothesis. In the context of mean comparison (like here), it is equivalent to say "there is no difference between the means of the parent populations". The p-value is the probability of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the results actually observed, under the assumption that the null hypothesis is correct. If the p-value is very small, then either the null hypothesis is false or something unlikely has occurred; what is equivalent to say: "it is likely that there is also a difference if we were looking at the parent populations". Said differently, the p-value can be considered to be the probability to make a mistake by rejecting the null hypothesis (more on this in the next section).

    Here, the p-value is very small ($p=0.000 \dots 1$), what means that it is quite likely that there is a difference in the parent population (and we know that it is indeed the case as we generate the data ourselves).

    Let's look of what happens for dataset with large standard deviation:

    In [177]:
    # Run a Student's t-test
    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(dataset_large_sd.xA, dataset_large_sd.xB)
    # Print the results
    print(f"t={t}, p={p}")
    t=-6.2698379730170615, p=2.2209697178288552e-09

    Both p-values are very small, indicating that the probability to make a mistake by rejecting the null-hypothesis is small.

    It turns out that the $n$ is so large, that the difference between the two means is also statistically significant in the dataset with large variance. Inferential statistics are a good tool to know if we could generalize what we observed (SD/variance)!

    The p-value as the probability to make a mistake by rejecting the null hypothesis

    The p-value can be considered to be the probability to make a mistake by rejecting the null hypothesis. In a frequentist point of view, a probability can be assimilated to a frequency. If so, let's find a small experiment where I generate data, such that the frequency of my observation matches (or at least is proportional) to the $p$-value.

    So let's simulate and see how often I could be wrong...

    Generate data

    Let's construct two samples $x_1$ and $x_2$, such that $\bar x_1 > \bar x_2$ (with $\bar x$: the observed mean for $x$), even if $\mu_{x_1} = \mu_{x_2}$ (with $\mu_x$: the theoretical/parent population mean).

    In [178]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Set the parameters
    n = 100
    mu = 100
    sigma = 30
    # Generate two samples
    xA = np.random.normal(mu, scale=sigma, size=n)
    xB = np.random.normal(mu, scale=sigma, size=n)
    if np.mean(xA) > np.mean(xB):
        x1 = xA
        x2 = xB
        x1 = xB
        x2 = xA
    # Look at the data
    df = pd.DataFrame(data={"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
    x1 x2
    0 114.143055 108.736161
    1 64.270729 116.996011
    2 142.981209 115.107753
    3 90.620443 108.558871
    4 78.382338 114.528643
    ... ... ...
    95 97.541588 87.053515
    96 89.657020 95.165893
    97 115.848644 126.674725
    98 67.930336 108.651305
    99 84.643561 68.453832

    100 rows × 2 columns

    In [179]:
    print(f"mean x1: {np.mean(df.x1)}")
    print(f"mean x2: {np.mean(df.x2)}")
    mean x1: 101.05336849376309
    mean x2: 98.49537630605201

    Visualize data

    In [180]:
    # Create figure and axes
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16, 4))
    # Create the histograms
    sns.histplot(data=df, ax=ax1, 
                 stat="density")  # y-axis is density instead of counts
    # Put labels
    # Plot the barplot
    df_melted = df.melt(var_name="group")
    sns.barplot(x="group", y="value", ax=ax2, data=df_melted, ci="sd")

    Run test

    In [181]:
    # Run a Student's t-test
    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(x1, x2, equal_var=True)
    # Print the results
    print(f"t = {t}, p = {p}")
    t = 0.6077059889717964, p = 0.5440788547965428

    Note that as expected, the p-value is really high (suggesting that the probability of making a mistake by rejecting the null-hypothesis is really high). Indeed, even if our samples, we observe that $\bar x_1 > \bar x_2$, the theoretical mean of both samples is the same (by construction).

    Reproduce test result

    ...by looking at which frequency I observe the inverse difference, that is $\bar x_2 > \bar x_1$ instead of $\bar x_1 > \bar x_2$, creating new datasets using as theoretical means the means observed in the samples, and as theoretical SD the SD observed in the samples.

    In [182]:
    # Compute the observed means for the two samples
    mu1 = np.mean(x1)
    mu2 = np.mean(x2)
    # Compute the observed standard deviations for the two samples
    sigma1 = np.std(x1)  
    sigma2 = np.std(x2)
    In [183]:
    # Set the parameters
    n_dataset = 10000
    # Container for the results 
    mu2_sup_mu1 = np.zeros(n_dataset)
    # Create data for each dataset
    for i in range(n_dataset):
        # Create two samples using parameters observed in the sample, and of the same size 
        new_x1 = np.random.normal(mu1, scale=sigma1, size=n)  
        new_x2 = np.random.normal(mu2, scale=sigma2, size=n)
        # Look if observed mean for sample 2
        # is superior for sample 1
        r = np.mean(new_x2) > np.mean(new_x1)
        # Store the result 
        mu2_sup_mu1[i] = r
    # Compute the frequence with which 
    # 'inverse' difference is observed
    err_freq = np.mean(mu2_sup_mu1)

    Visualize the results

    In [184]:
    # Create figure and axis
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # Define labels
    labels = [r'$\bar{x_2} > \bar{x_1}$ (freq)', "p-value / 2"]
    # Defines values
    values = [err_freq, p/2]
    # Create barplot
    ax.bar(labels, values)
    # Set the limit of the y-axis
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1.0)

    The significance threshold(s)

    In human/animal related studies (but not only), $p=0.05$ (5% error), what means that a test result can be said significant if the $p$-value is below $0.05$.

    Note that it is before all a convention.

    I got it wrong: Error type I and Error type II

    Null hypothesis is true null hypothesis is false
    Reject null hypothesis False positive [Type I error] true negative
    Do not reject null hypothesis True positive False negative [Type II error]

    Sensitivity $= \frac{TP}{TP + FN}$ ("don't miss someone positive")

    Specificity = $\frac{TN}{TN + FP}$ ("don't select someone negative")

    Accuracy = $\frac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN}$ ("do good predictions overall")

    Precision = $\frac{TP}{TP + FP}$ ("don't be too inclusive")

    Error type I: False positive

    False positive: A result of a diagnostic test or procedure that wrongly indicates the presence of a disease or other condition. [Oxford Reference]

    ...in our context: the test result indicates a significant difference while it was actually no difference in the parent populations.

    Let's take an example...

    Generate data

    In [185]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Set the parameters
    mu = 100
    sig = 10
    n = 20
    # Generate two samples
    x1 = np.random.normal(mu, scale=sig, size=n)
    x2 = np.random.normal(mu, scale=sig, size=n)
    # Look at the data
    df = pd.DataFrame({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
    x1 x2
    0 105.848758 98.648677
    1 112.311957 95.216593
    2 108.219003 84.050250
    3 92.007716 91.310407
    4 104.120532 99.672772
    5 98.238434 84.725685
    6 99.268280 98.754019
    7 94.343336 97.380508
    8 99.065348 109.953512
    9 108.573011 103.175434
    10 91.377767 99.617396
    11 100.164811 99.318020
    12 115.651111 95.577242
    13 95.308799 95.207032
    14 96.076993 100.515146
    15 108.166670 90.250867
    16 100.763753 85.668192
    17 98.999069 96.409804
    18 116.237571 104.542962
    19 86.634584 91.945020

    Compute sample means

    In [186]:
    mean_x1 = np.mean(df.x1)
    mean_x2 = np.mean(df.x2)
    print(f"sample mean x1: {mean_x1}")
    print(f"sample mean x2: {mean_x2}")
    sample mean x1: 101.56887516675758
    sample mean x2: 96.09697686169982

    Note that the sample means are different even if the population mean is the same (mu=100).

    Visualize data

    In [187]:
    # Create the fig and axes
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16, 4))
    # Do the histogram
    ax = axes[0]
    sns.histplot(df, ax=ax, stat="density", element="step")
    # Create the lines indicating the means
    ax.axvline(mean_x1, label="sample mean", color='C0', lw=2, ls=':')
    ax.axvline(mean_x2, label="sample mean", color='C1', lw=2, ls=':')
    # Create the bell curve corresponding to the theoretic distribution
    x_min, x_max= ax.get_xlim()
    x_th = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 1000)
    y_th = stats.distributions.norm.pdf(x_th, loc=mu, scale=sig)
    ax.plot(x_th, y_th, color="black")
    # Create the line for the theoretical mean
    ymax = stats.distributions.norm.pdf(mu, loc=mu, scale=sig)
    ax.vlines(mu, ymin=0, ymax=ymax, 
              label="theoretical mean", color='black', lw=2, ls='--')
    # Set the axis labels
    # Create the legend
    # Do the barplot
    ax = axes[1]
    df_melted = df.melt(var_name="group")
    sns.barplot(x="group", y="value", ax=ax, data=df_melted, ci="sd")

    Run test

    In [188]:
    # Set the threshold 
    thr = 0.05
    # Run the Student's t-test
    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(x1, x2, equal_var=True)
    # Print the results
    print(f"t={t}, p={p}, can reject null hypothesis={p < thr}")
    t=2.324641079949218, p=0.025533350157787085, can reject null hypothesis=True

    Result indicates that we can reject the null-hypothesis (and saying something like 'there is a difference'), while we should not do so (we know by construction that $x_1$ and $x_2$ come from the same distribution, and therefore that the population mean of the two samples is the same): it is a false positive.

    Error type II: False negative

    False negative: A result of a diagnostic test or procedure that wrongly indicates the absence of a disease or other condition. [Oxford Reference]

    ...in our context: the test result indicates a non-significant difference while they were actually a difference in the parent populations.

    Let's take an example...

    Generate data

    In [189]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Set the parameters
    m1, m2 = 0, 1
    sig = 0.9
    n = 20
    # Generate two samples
    x1 = np.random.normal(m1, scale=sig, size=n)
    x2 = np.random.normal(m2, scale=sig, size=n)
    # Look at the data
    df = pd.DataFrame({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
    x1 x2
    0 1.587647 -1.297691
    1 0.360141 1.588257
    2 0.880864 1.777993
    3 2.016804 0.332051
    4 1.680802 3.042779
    5 -0.879550 -0.308929
    6 0.855080 1.041183
    7 -0.136221 0.831535
    8 -0.092897 2.379501
    9 0.369539 2.322423
    10 0.129639 1.139453
    11 1.308846 1.340346
    12 0.684934 0.200993
    13 0.109508 -0.782717
    14 0.399477 0.686879
    15 0.300307 1.140714
    16 1.344671 2.107262
    17 -0.184642 2.082142
    18 0.281761 0.651406
    19 -0.768686 0.727928

    Visualize data

    In [190]:
    # Create the figure and axes
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16, 4))
    ax = axes[0]
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(df, ax=ax, stat="density", element="step")
    # Plot the sample means
    ax.axvline(np.mean(df.x1), label="sample mean", color='C0', lw=2, ls=':')
    ax.axvline(np.mean(df.x2), label="sample mean", color='C1', lw=2, ls=':')
    # Plot the bell curves
    x_min, x_max= ax.get_xlim()
    # Plot the theoretic distributions for the two samples
    for m, color in (m1, "C0"), (m2, "C1"):
        # Plot the line for the mean
        ymax = stats.distributions.norm.pdf(m, loc=m, scale=sig)
        ax.vlines(m, ymin=0, ymax=ymax,transform=ax.transData,
                  label="theoretical mean", color=color, lw=2, ls='--')
        # Plot the bell curve
        x_th = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 1000)
        y_th = stats.distributions.norm.pdf(x_th, loc=m, scale=sig)
        ax.plot(x_th, y_th, color=color, label="theoretical distribution", ls='-')
    # Create the axis labels 
    # Create the legend
    # Plot the barplot
    ax = axes[1]
    df = pd.DataFrame({"A": x1, "B": x2}).melt(var_name="group")
    sns.barplot(x="group", y="value", ax=ax, data=df, ci="sd")
    # Set the y-axis limits
    ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[-1])

    Run test

    In [191]:
    # Set the threshold
    thr = 0.05
    # Run a Student's t-test
    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(x1, x2, equal_var=True)
    # Print the result
    print(f"t={t}, p={p}, can reject null hypothesis={p < thr}")
    t=-1.7830545865581873, p=0.08256721720461004, can reject null hypothesis=False

    Result indicates that we can not reject the null-hypothesis (and saying something like 'there is no significant difference'), while we should do so (we know by construction that $x_1$ and $x_2$ do not come from the same distribution): it is a false negative.

    To remember


    Do not confound samples mean (standard deviation) with population mean (standard deviation): the discrepancy between both is the cause of the false negatives and false positives!

    Case study: Mean comparison using Student's t-test

    William S. Gosset or "Student"

    Let's reveal the magic trick behind the p-value...

    Conditions of application

    For the magic to operate, some conditions need to me be met.


    Note that for computing a Student t-test, the following conditions about the distribution in the parent population need to be met:
    • Normality: The distributions from which the samples are drawn are normal distributions.
    • Homogeneity of variances: The variance of the distribution from which samples are drawn are approximately equal.
    Furthermore, the following conditions about the samples need to be met:
    • Equal size of sample : Both samples are of the same size.

    Let's come back on this in the next section.

    Compute the t-statistic


    The t statistic can be calculated as follows:

    $$ t={\frac {{\bar {X}}_{1}-{\bar {X}}_{2}}{s_{p}{\sqrt {\frac {2}{n}}}}}$$

    where $n = n_1 = n_2$ and $s_p$ is the pooled standard deviation of the two samples.

    Note that:

    • The numerator of $t$ is the difference between two means
    • The denominator of $t$ is the standard error of the difference between the two means.

    The pooled standard deviation of the two samples $X_1$ and $X_2$, noted $s_p$, is defined as:

    $$ s_{p}={\sqrt {\frac {s_{X_{1}}^{2}+s_{X_{2}}^{2}}{2}}} $$

    with $s_{X_1}^2$ and $s_{X_2}^2$ are the unbiased estimators of the variances of $X_1$ and $X_2$.

    The unbiased estimator of variance for a sample $X$ is defined as:

    $${s_{X=[x_1, ..., x_n]}^{2}= {\frac {1}{n-1}}\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left(x_{i}-{\overline {X}}\right)^{2}}$$

    Unbiased vs biased estimator

    The bias of an estimator is the difference between this estimator's expected value and the true value of the parameter being estimated. (you can look on the Wikipedia page on this).

    We divide by $n-1$ (instead of $n$) when computing the unbiased estimator of variance, because $n-1$ is the number of degrees of freedom (short intuition below; you can also watch this short video on Khan Academy).

    Intuition on degrees on freedom

    What are degrees of freedom?

    We know that the the sum of deviations around any mean must equal zero.

    Therefore for any variable, if the mean is known and the first $n-1$ observations are known, then the $n^{th}$ observation must be the value that causes the sum of all the deviations around the mean to equal zero.

    $n-1$ is called the degrees of freedom because the first $n-1$ observations have the freedom to be any value they want to be, but the $n^{th}$ value has no freedom. It must be whatever value that forces the sum of deviations around the mean to equal zero.

    From a discussion on Khan Academy.


    Let's take an example...

    Generate data

    Let's generate two samples such that $\bar x_1$ < $\bar x_2$

    In [192]:
    # Set the random number generator
    # Set the parameters
    mu1, mu2 = 100, 115
    sigma = 30
    # Generate two samples
    x1 = np.random.normal(mu1, scale=sigma, size=n)
    x2 = np.random.normal(mu2, scale=sigma, size=n)
    # Make a few prints
    df = pd.DataFrame({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
    x1 x2
    0 114.143055 108.920610
    1 64.270729 95.320920
    2 142.981209 120.802641
    3 90.620443 131.603167
    4 78.382338 154.544547
    5 126.614888 100.920841
    6 125.787652 135.266623
    7 80.904295 60.489183
    8 100.470891 109.506744
    9 32.719451 146.769076
    10 134.501072 103.064793
    11 129.758381 125.123130
    12 128.599724 146.427357
    13 39.362355 146.378148
    14 89.977679 140.911519
    15 100.063551 111.337253
    16 112.163602 118.741389
    17 108.672758 105.316156
    18 139.634746 140.250241
    19 53.592833 186.728815
    In [193]:
    print(f"mean x1: {df.x1.mean()}")
    print(f"mean x2: {df.x2.mean()}")
    mean x1: 99.66108268125693
    mean x2: 124.42115761217228

    Visualize data

    In [194]:
    # Create the figure and the axes
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16, 4))
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(df, ax=ax1, 
                 stat="density", # y-axis is density instead of counts
                 element="step") # better visualization
    # Set the axis labels
    # Plot the barplot
    df_melted = df.melt(var_name="group")
    sns.barplot(x="group", y="value", ax=ax2, data=df_melted, ci="sd")

    Run the test

    In [195]:
    # Set the threshold
    thr = 0.05
    # Run a Student's t-test
    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(x1, x2, equal_var=True)
    # Print the result
    print(f"t={t}, p={p}, can reject={p < thr}")
    t=-2.591248617060576, p=0.013492277877684325, can reject=True

    Redo the calculation by hand

    Let's compute it by hand:


    with $s_{X_1}^2$ and $s_{X_2}^2$ are the unbiased estimators of the variances of $X_1$ and $X_2$.

    The unbiased estimator of variance for a sample $X$ is defined as:

    $${s_{X=[x_1, ..., x_n]}^{2}= {\frac {1}{n-1}}\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left(x_{i}-{\overline {X}}\right)^{2}}$$


    In [196]:
    # Compute the unbiased estimators of the variance
    var1 = np.var(x1, ddof=1)
    var2 = np.var(x2, ddof=1)
    # Make a few prints
    print("var1", var1)
    print("var2", var2)
    var1 1092.6737289949485
    var2 733.3891932316409


    The pooled standard deviation of the two samples $X_1$ and $X_2$, noted $s_p$, is defined as:

    $${\displaystyle s_{p}={\sqrt {\frac {s_{X_{1}}^{2}+s_{X_{2}}^{2}}{2}}}.}$$


    In [197]:
    # Compute the pooled standard deviation of the two samples
    sp = np.sqrt((var1 + var2)/2)
    # Print the result
    print("sp", sp)
    sp 30.216410460431838

    Now, we have everything we need to compute the t-test using the formula:

    $$ t={\frac {{\bar {X}}_{1}-{\bar {X}}_{2}}{s_{p}{\sqrt {\frac {2}{n}}}}}$$


    In [198]:
    # Compute the denominator
    denom = sp * np.sqrt(2 / n)
    # Compute the numerator
    mean1 = np.mean(x1)
    mean2 = np.mean(x2)
    num = mean1 - mean2
    # Compute the value of the t
    t = num/denom
    # Print the result
    print("t", t)
    t -2.5912486170605766
    In [199]:
    # Compute the value of the t
    t = num/denom
    # Print the result
    print("t", t)
    t -2.5912486170605766

    Compare 'manual' result with Scipy result

    In [200]:
    # Compare with the values used using Scipy
    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(x1, x2, equal_var=True)
    print("t", t)
    t -2.591248617060576

    Compute the p-value

    First thing that we need to compute the $p$-value is to look at the probability density function of $t$

    Formula: $t$-distribution PDF

    The probability density function (PDF) of the Student's t distribution is given by: $$f(x) = \frac{\Gamma \left(\frac{\nu+1}{2} \right)} {\sqrt{\nu\pi}\,\Gamma \left(\frac{\nu}{2} \right)} \left(1+\frac{x^2}{\nu} \right)^{-\frac{\nu+1}{2}}$$ where $\nu$ is the number of degrees of freedom for the $t$-statistic calculation (see below) and $\Gamma (\cdot)$ is the gamma function.

    The degrees of freedom is equal $2n − 2$ where n is the number of participants in each group (to preserve the mean, each sample has $n-1$ degrees of freedom, so considering the two samples at once, we have $2(n-1) = 2 n - 2$).


    In [201]:
    def t_pdf(x, degree_freedom):
        This is equivalent to scipy.stats.t.pdf(x, df=degree_freedom)
        # Shortcuts
        g = scipy.special.gamma
        nu = degree_freedom
        # Compute both left and right term
        left = g((nu+1)/2) / (np.sqrt(nu * np.pi)*g(nu/2))
        right = (1+x**2/nu) ** (-(nu+1)/2)
        # And multiply it
        result = left*right 
        return result

    Application to the running example

    Computing degrees of freedom

    Computing the number of degrees of freedom is quite straightforward...

    In [202]:
    # Compute the number of degrees of freedom
    degree_freedom = 2*n - 2
    # Print the result
    print("degrees of freedom:", degree_freedom)
    degrees of freedom: 38

    Let's take a look at the PDF of $t$

    Now, let's represent the probability density function of the t-distribution, given our specific number of degrees of freedom...

    In [203]:
    # Create the figure and the axis
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
    # Plot the bell curve
    x = np.linspace(-12, 12, 1000)
    # Note that this can be shortened into 'y = stats.t.pdf(x, df=df)'
    y = t_pdf(x, degree_freedom)
    ax.plot(x, y, label="$t$-distribution PDF")
    # Fill the area under the curve on the right of the t-value with blue
    x_blue = np.linspace(t, 12, 1000)
    y_blue = t_pdf(x_blue, degree_freedom)
    ax.fill_between(x_blue, 0, y_blue, color="C0", alpha=0.1)
    # Draw the line for representing the t-value
    ax.axvline(t, ls='--', color="red", label="t-statistic when comparing $x_1$ and $x_2$")
    # Fill the area under the curve on the left of the t-value with red
    x_red = np.linspace(-12, t , 1000)
    y_red = t_pdf(x_red, degree_freedom)
    ax.fill_between(x_red, 0, y_red, color="red", label="Area under the curve = p-value / 2")
    # Set the axis labels

    The p-value one sided correspond to the area under the curve after the t-value.

    For computing the area under the curve, we need the primitive (antiderivative) of the PDF, that is to say the cumulative distribution function (CDF)...

    $t$-distribution CDF


    The cumulative distribution function is given by: $$ F(x) = \frac{1}{2} + x \Gamma \left( \frac{\nu+1}{2} \right) \times \frac{\,_2F_1 \left ( \frac{1}{2},\frac{\nu+1}{2};\frac{3}{2}; -\frac{x^2}{\nu} \right)} {\sqrt{\pi\nu}\,\Gamma \left(\frac{\nu}{2}\right)}$$ where $_2F_1$ is the hypergeometric function.


    Let's skip the implementation for this one! Let's use instead SciPy (scipy.stats.t.cdf )!

    Let's take a look at the CDF of $t$ now

    Let's represent the cumulative distribution function...

    In [204]:
    # Create the figure and the axes
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
    # Plot the cumulative distribution functiion
    x = np.linspace(-12, 12, 1000)
    y1 = stats.t.cdf(x, degree_freedom)
    ax.plot(x, y1, label="$t$-distribution CDF", color="C4")
    # # Plot the survival function (1 - CDF)
    # ax.plot(x, 1 - y1, label="1 - CDF", color="C1")
    # Plot the line representing the t-value
    ax.axvline(t, ls='--', color="red", label="t-statistic when comparing $x_1$ and $x_2$")
    ax.axhline(stats.distributions.t.cdf(t, degree_freedom), 
               ls='-', color="red", label="p-value / 2")
    # Set the axis labels
    # Create the legend

    Compute the p-value

    Now, let's compute the p-value.

    It is finally quite easy now, we just need to look at CDF for the specific $t$-statistic that we obtained when comparing our two samples, and multiply by 2 (why to multiply by 2? we reply to this question just after)

    In [205]:
    # Compute the p-value
    half_p = stats.distributions.t.cdf(t, degree_freedom)
    p = half_p * 2
    # Print the result
    print("p", p)
    p 0.013492277877684325

    Compare with SciPy result

    In [206]:
    # Compute the p-value using Scipy and compare...
    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(x1, x2)
    print("p", p)
    p 0.013492277877684325

    For further explanation on the computation of the p-value, you can refer to: Krzywinski, M., Altman, N. Significance, P values and t-tests. Nat Methods 10, 1041–1042 (2013).

    One-sided vs two-sided

    We talk about 'one-sided' when we consider the area under the PDF curve on one side, and about 'two-sided' because you take the value under the curve on both sides.

    Let's represent that graphically...

    In [207]:
    # Create figure and axes
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
    # Define x-limits 
    min_x, max_x = -12, 12
    # Plot the bell curve
    x = np.linspace(min_x, max_x, 1000)
    y = stats.t.pdf(x, df=degree_freedom)  # Now, using the function provided by Scipy
    ax.plot(x, y)
    # Set the axis labels
    # Fill the area under the curve
    for t_ in (t, -t):
        if t_ > 0:
            x = np.linspace(t_, max_x, 1000)
            x = np.linspace(min_x, t_, 1000)
        y_f = stats.t.pdf(x, df=degree_freedom)
        ax.fill_between(x, 0, y_f, color="red")
        # Draw a line corresponding to the t-value
        ax.axvline(t_, ls='--', color="red")


    Two-sided is more conservative than one sided (you should by default use a two-sided, except if you have strong reason to not do so).

    The number of subjects matters

    The less subjects, the higher the p-value.

    Let's the see how the p-value for a given t-value change depending on the number of subjects...

    In [208]:
    # Set the sample size to use
    ns = [5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100]
    # Set the t-values to use
    x = np.linspace(1.5, 3, 1000)
    # Create the figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
    # For each n...
    for n in ns:
        # Compute the number of degrees of freedom
        degree_freedom = 2*n - 2
        # Compute the CDF
        # Note that contrary to above, we consider here 1 - CDF 
        # because we consider positive values of the t-statistic.
        # You'll get positive values for t if you compare two samples, 
        # such that the first sample has the highest mean than the second has the lowest mean.
        # You'll get negative values for t if you compare two samples, 
        # such that the first sample has the lowest mean than the second has the highest mean.
        y = (1 - stats.distributions.t.cdf(x, degree_freedom)) * 2 
        # Plot the result
        ax.plot(x, y, label=f"n={n}")
    # Set the axis labels
    # Create a line for the magic threshold
    ax.axhline(0.05, ls='--', color="black", alpha=0.1)
    # Create the legend

    The more you will increase your $n$, the more you will increase the probability to have significant results


    Use a number large enough of subjects to avoid false negatives.

    The condition of application of a statistical test: What alternatives to the t-test for mean comparison?

    Conditions of application of the t-test

    Look at the documentation

    What we can see in the doc for the t-test's implementation from Scipy:


    Note that for computing a Student t-test, the following conditions about the distribution in the parent population need to be met:
    • Normality: The distribution from which the samples are drawn are normal distributions.
    • Homogeneity of variances: The variance of the distribution from which samples are drawn are approximately equal.
    Furthermore, the following conditions about the samples need to be met:
    • Equal size of sample : Both samples are of the same size.


    A statistical test has often conditions of application relative to the distribution the data are assumed coming from.

    Checking whether the conditions of validity are met

    Let's see with two samples how to test if they meet the requirements for comparing them with a Student's t-test:

    In [209]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Set the parameters
    n = 100
    mu1 = 10
    mu2 = 20
    sig = 10
    # Generate the sample
    x1 = np.random.normal(mu1, scale=sig, size=n)
    x2 = np.random.normal(mu2, scale=sig, size=n)

    Testing the size of sample is pretty straightforward...

    In [210]:
    # Test the equality of sample sizes
    is_equal = len(x1) == len(x2)
    # Print the result
    print("is equal", is_equal)
    is equal True

    Let's test the normality of the distribution using a D’Agostino and Pearson’s test. The null hypothesis is that the data are normally distributed.

    In [211]:
    # Run the  D’Agostino and Pearson’s test for sample x1
    k, p = stats.normaltest(x1)
    # Print the result
    print(f"k={k}, p={p}")
    k=1.5798844659411548, p=0.4538710133052598
    In [212]:
    # Run the  D’Agostino and Pearson’s test for sample x2
    k, p = stats.normaltest(x2)
    # Print the result
    print(f"k={k}, p={p}")
    k=0.9889358066077525, p=0.6098953442704012

    Let's test the normality of the distribution using a Levene test. The null hypothesis is that the all samples are from populations with equal variances.

    In [213]:
    # Run the Levene test
    stat, p = stats.levene(x1, x2)
    # Print the result
    print(f"k={k}, p={p}")
    k=0.9889358066077525, p=0.7942487504762309

    The number of subjects is not the same and/or variances are unequal: Welch's t-test

    When the number of subjects is not the same and/or variances are unequal: you can use a Welch's t-test.


    Note that the distributions from which the samples are drawn are still expected to be normal distributions.


    The Welch's t-test can be computed this way:

    $${\displaystyle t={\frac {{\bar {X}}_{1}-{\bar {X}}_{2}}{s_{\bar {\Delta }}}}}$$


    $${\displaystyle s_{\bar {\Delta }}={\sqrt {{\frac {s_{1}^{2}}{n_{1}}}+{\frac {s_{2}^{2}}{n_{2}}}}}.}$$


    In [214]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Set the parameters
    m1, m2 = 100, 150
    sd1, sd2 = 50, 10
    n = 100
    # Generate two samples
    x1 = np.random.normal(m1, scale=sd1, size=n)
    x2 = np.random.normal(m2, scale=sd2, size=n)
    # Make a few prints
    df = pd.DataFrame({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
    x1 x2
    0 102.528085 157.382471
    1 124.997567 156.507532
    2 50.204553 156.147406
    3 134.679925 148.734314
    4 79.084924 165.788742
    ... ... ...
    95 126.162383 150.494765
    96 75.209074 147.386880
    97 91.426770 158.767425
    98 52.781570 145.171213
    99 114.043234 140.145815

    100 rows × 2 columns

    In [215]:
    # Create figure and axes
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16, 4))
    # Plot the histogram
    ax = axes[0]
    sns.histplot(data=df, ax=ax, stat="density", element="step")
    # Set the axis labels
    # Plot the barplot
    ax = axes[1]
    df_melted = df.melt(var_name="sample")
    sns.barplot(x="sample", y="value", ax=ax, data=df_melted, ci="sd")
    In [216]:
    # Compute a Welch's t-test
    # Note that the 'equal-var=False' that will force the use of a Welch's t-test 
    # (instead of a Student t-test)
    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(x1, x2, equal_var=False)
    # Print the result
    print(f"t={t}, p={p}")
    t=-9.732916761113751, p=2.1823383644149874e-16

    The distribution is not (does not seem) normal: Mann-Whitney U test

    When the distribution is not expected to be normal, you can use a Mann-Whitney U test.


    The Mann-Whitney is one type of rank-dependent test. What is common between the rank-dependent tests (also called non-parametric tests) is that they don't make assumptions about the parent distributions.

    Why that? Because they rely on a technique based on ranking the values: you can learn more about that by looking at how to compute by hand the Mann-Whitney U in the Additional material.


    If you are not sure about the distribution your data are coming from, rank-dependent tests are a safe choice!


    Generate data

    We want data that are not normally distributed. Let's take the example of a gamma distribution (we could have choose any other one, for instance the beta distribution, this is just an example, it doesn't matter which one we choose, it just does have to be NOT normal).

    So let's consider data following a Gamma distribution, that is such that: $$ X \sim \mathrm{Gamma} (\alpha ,\beta )$$ with $\alpha, \beta \in \mathbb{R}$, two parameters.

    Note: the gamma distribution is something different than the gamma function (even if there is a connection: the PDF of the gamma distribution uses the gamma function).

    In [217]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Set the parameters
    # From the doc of 'np.random.gamma': Samples are drawn from a Gamma distribution with specified parameters, 
    # shape (sometimes designated “k”) and scale (sometimes designated “theta”), 
    # where both parameters are > 0.
    # knowing that shape=alpha and theta = 1/beta
    k1, t1 = 1, 10
    k2, t2 = 1.3, 14
    n = 25
    # Generate two samples
    x1 = np.random.gamma(k1, scale=t1, size=n)
    x2 = np.random.gamma(k2, scale=t2, size=n)
    # Put it in a dataframe and display
    df = pd.DataFrame({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
    x1 x2
    0 1.121221 29.337056
    1 13.683424 10.555135
    2 8.493649 9.035222
    3 6.129344 7.968024
    4 4.856549 33.048903
    5 3.201905 6.520517
    6 11.025071 44.421122
    7 5.033123 17.018304
    8 3.306910 18.598031
    9 15.137628 3.738932
    10 9.140287 22.200187
    11 1.311871 3.936454
    12 4.935983 20.492586
    13 36.884139 9.894295
    14 6.303581 15.798569
    15 1.510222 26.522910
    16 0.429791 35.054215
    17 13.019395 5.164618
    18 9.560859 5.161789
    19 23.302862 13.870422
    20 9.745382 13.703902
    21 3.012696 24.920623
    22 8.108450 30.882238
    23 5.191712 70.365117
    24 1.528667 13.533102
    Visualize data
    In [218]:
    # Create the figure and axes
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16, 6))
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(data=df, ax=ax1,
    # Plot the boxplot
    df_melted = df.melt(var_name="sample")
    sns.boxplot(x="sample", y="value", ax=ax2, data=df_melted)

    Computing the Mann–Whitney U

    In [219]:
    # Compute the Mann-Whitney U
    # Note: the default option is deprecated
    # Remember to use the argument "alternative='two-sided'"
    u, p = stats.mannwhitneyu(x1, x2, alternative='two-sided')
    # Print the results
    print(f"u = {u}, p={p}")
    u = 131.0, p=0.00044488884040892583

    Remember to read the doc!

    Don't forget to read the doc for the conditions of application!

    Looking for more?

    They are one sections in the Additional material relating to the computation of the Mann-Whitney by hand. You'll see that it is quite different from the way to compute the $t$-test.

    Except mean comparison, for what can I use inferential statistics?

    I want to test the relation between two continuous variables: Correlation coefficient

    ...is probably what you're looking for.

    Pearson correlation coefficient

    The Pearson correlation between $X$ and $Y$ can be expressed as: $$r_{XY}= \frac {\sum \limits _{i=1}^{n}(x_{i}-{\bar {X}})(y_{i}-{\bar {Y}})}{\sqrt {\sum \limits _{i=1}^{n}(x_{i}-{\bar {X}})^{2}\sum \limits _{i=1}^{n}(y_{i}-{\bar {Y}})^{2}}}$$

    where $\overline {X}$ and $\overline {Y}$ are the means of $X$ and $Y$, and $s_{x}$ and $s_{y}$ are the corrected standard deviations of $X$ and $Y$.

    Original article: Pearson, Karl (1895). "Notes on regression and inheritance in the case of two parents". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 58: 240–242.


    Note that for applying a test based on a Pearson correlation, the following conditions about the parent distributions need to be met:


    Load the data
    In [220]:
    # Import the data
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("data", "rr.csv"))
    # Take a look
    Country Year Debt Growth
    0 Australia 1946 190.419080 -3.557951
    1 Australia 1947 177.321371 2.459475
    2 Australia 1948 148.929811 6.437534
    3 Australia 1949 125.828699 6.611994
    4 Australia 1950 109.809398 6.920201
    ... ... ... ... ...
    1170 US 2005 62.766724 3.054518
    1171 US 2006 63.489973 2.672807
    1172 US 2007 63.985488 2.141613
    1173 US 2008 74.091061 0.438166
    1174 US 2009 83.482835 -2.730170

    1175 rows × 4 columns

    Visualize data
    In [221]:
    # Create figure and axes
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 4))
    # Plot a scatter plot
    sns.scatterplot(x="Debt", y="Growth", ax=ax, data=df)
    Compute r using Scipy
    In [222]:
    # Shortcut for our two columns of interest
    debt, growth = df["Debt"], df["Growth"]
    # Compare it using Scipy
    r_, p = stats.pearsonr(debt, growth)
    print(f"r={r_}, p={p}")
    r=-0.19986576578883178, p=4.723997934448434e-12

    Based on this results, I could conclude that there is a negative correlation between growth and debt, and that this correlation is statistically significant. However, this conclusion will be invalid. Let's see why.

    ...the running example as an example of invalid conclusion


    A statistical test have conditions of application relative to the shape of the distributions you wish to compare. The growth-debt example is actually an example where conclusions are invalid if using a Pearson Correlation Coefficient, as you'll see below.

    Don't forget to read the doc

    Don't forget to read the doc for knowing of the conditions of application!

    We read that:

    The calculation of the p-value relies on the assumption that each dataset is normally distributed.

    So, are my conclusions for the growth-debt example valid?

    Let's check if the conditions for the application for the test are met

    ...we need to check the normality of the data.

    First thing that we can do is to look at the distribution of each sample.

    Note: In a real context of application, we should have done that at first!

    In [223]:
    # Create figure and axes
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16, 6))
    # Plot the left histogram
    sns.histplot(ax=ax1, x=debt, label="debt",
                 stat="density",  linewidth=0, alpha=0.5)
    # Plot the right histogram
    sns.histplot(ax=ax2, x=growth, label="growth",
                 stat="density",  linewidth=0, alpha=0.5)

    ...so are my conclusions valid?

    No, they don't seem to be, as the distribution of debt is clearly not normal!

    To confirm our observations, let's test the normality of the distribution of both samples (growth and debt) using a D’Agostino and Pearson’s test. The null hypothesis is that the data are normally distributed.

    In [224]:
    # Compute the D’Agostino and Pearson’s test for x
    k2, p = stats.normaltest(debt)
    # Print the result
    print(f"debt: k2={k2}, p={p}")
    debt: k2=396.2673980743888, p=8.94597806691238e-87
    In [225]:
    # Compute the D’Agostino and Pearson’s test for y
    k2, p = stats.normaltest(growth)
    # Print the result
    print(f"growth: k2={k2}, p={p}")
    growth: k2=183.83634788701923, p=1.2034949429171269e-40

    Both indicates that the probability of rejecting the null-hypothesis by error is low: it is unlikely that both samples are normally distributed.

    Therefore, my previous conclusions are invalid.

    One option is to redo the analysis using a rank-dependent alternative.

    The Spearman correlation coefficient (rank-dependent alternative)

    An rank dependent alternative to the Pearson correlation is the Spearman correlation coefficient. This test does not require the normality of the parent populations.

    Application to the example

    In [226]:
    r, p = stats.spearmanr(growth, debt)
    print(f"Spearman correlation: r={r}, p={p}")
    Spearman correlation: r=-0.21917155435289978, p=3.0218107683321965e-14

    I can know conclude, based on the Spearman correlation test, that there is a negative correlation between growth and debt.

    I have only one group: Confidence interval

    We are looking for a $c$, such that we can 'bound' the mean, and obtain a confidence interval (CI) such that: $$\text{CI} = \big(\bar{X} - c,\bar{X} + c\big)$$

    They are two main cases: the standard deviation from the parent population is known, the standard deviation from the parent population is unknown.


    Note that for computing a confidence interval in both cases below (SD known, SD unknown), the following conditions about the parent distribution need to be met: * Normality: The population from which the sample is drawn is normally distributed.

    The population SD is known

    ...is probably what you're looking for.

    The population standard deviation is known (or we have a very large sample, which means we have a reliable estimate of the SD), then:

    $$c = z^{*}{\sigma \over {\sqrt {n}}}$$


    $$z^{*}=\Phi ^{-1}\left(1 - \frac{\alpha }{2}\right)$$

    where $\Phi^{-1}$ is the probit function (inverse CDF of the normal distribution), $\alpha$ is the error level (e.g., 5% for a confidence level at 95%).

    Note: This is the most 'classic' formula. However, in practice, it is NOT the formula to use, as, most of the time, we don't know the population standard deviation.

    The population SD is NOT known

    If the population standard deviation is unknown then the Student's $t$ distribution is used as the critical value ($t^*$, see below).

    $$c = t^{*}{s \over {\sqrt {n}}}$$

    with $s$ the (sample) standard deviation, $n$ the number of observation.

    This value is dependent on the error level ($\alpha$) for the test and degrees of freedom ($\nu = n − 1$).

    $$t^{*}= \text{CDF}_t^{-1}\left(1 - \frac {\alpha }{2}; \nu \right)$$

    where $\text{CDF}_t^{-1}$ is the inverse of the CDF of $t$.


    Generate data
    In [227]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Generate a sample
    x = np.random.normal(100, scale=30, size=30)
    # Print a few values
    print("x", x)
    x [ 93.85877022 114.36830014  84.41683855 ... 115.71316204 100.02820833
    Visualize data
    In [228]:
    # Create the figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 4))
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(x, ax=ax, stat="density", alpha=0.3, element="step")
    # Set the axis labels
    Compute the CI
    In [229]:
    # Set the threshold
    alpha = 0.05
    # Get the sample size
    n = len(x)
    # Compute the mean
    m = np.mean(x)
    # Compute the sd
    sd = np.std(x)
    # Compute the CDF value at the upper bound
    cdf_value_upper_bound = 1 - alpha / 2.
    # Compute the number of degrees of freedom
    dof = n-1
    # Compute t*
    # ppf: Percent point function: inverse of the CDF
    t_star = stats.t.ppf(cdf_value_upper_bound, dof)  
    # Compute the size of half of the confidence interval
    c = sd/np.sqrt(n) * t_star 
    # Compute the confidence interval
    ci = m-c, m+c
    # Print the result
    print("CI = ", ci)
    CI =  (98.45463000700664, 121.83074738449542)
    Visualize the CI
    In [230]:
    # Create figure and axes
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 4))
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(x, ax=ax, color="C0", alpha=0.3, stat="density", element="step")
    # Set the axis labels
    # Plot the vertical lines
    ax.axvline(ci[0], ls="--", color="red", lw=3)
    ax.axvline(ci[1], ls="--", color="red", lw=3)
    ax.axvline(m, color="C0", lw=2, ls=':')

    Looking for more?

    They are two sections in the Additional material relating to confidence interval. One is to give an intuition about to find $t^*$. Another is about a bad example of application.

    Another "classic" test: ANOVA

    One ultra "classic" test that we will not discuss here is the compare the effect of two factors, you can use an ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance). It is useful to discuss the interaction effects).

    Note that for applying an ANOVA, the following conditions about the parent distribution need to be met:

    • Normality: The populations from which samples are drawn are normally distributed.

    • Homogeneity of variances: The populations from which samples are drawn are approximately equal</b>.

    Looking for more?

    They is one section in the Additional material relating to ANOVA.

    External validity: The todo-NOT list

    1. Do not apply a test before checking its conditions of validity.

    (See the growth-debt example as a bad example)

    2. Do not think that a **significant** result means that you're sure that there is a **causal** relationship (remember the spurious correlations).

    3. Do not multiply the post hoc analysis until you get something significant.

    If you need to do multiple comparisons, you need to use a correction on your $p$-values such as a Bonferroni correction.

    4. Do not think that a non-significant result means that there is no effect: "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

    Additional material

    Compare the shape of a t-distribution and a normal distribution

    In [231]:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 9))
    mu = 0
    sig = 1
    x = np.linspace(-12, 12, 1000)
    y1 = stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=mu, scale=sig)
    ax.plot(x, y1, label="normal dist", ls="--")
    for df in (1, 5, 20):
        y2 = stats.t.pdf(x, loc=mu, scale=sig, df=df)
        ax.plot(x, y2, label=f"t-dist DoF={df}")

    Compare the effect of two factors: ANOVA

    I want to compare the effect of two factors, you can use an ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance). It is useful to discuss the interaction effects).

    The following conditions about the parent/sample distribution need to be met:

    • Normality: The population from which samples are drawn should be normally distributed.

    • Homogeneity of variances: The variance among the groups should be approximately equal</b>.

    (Bad) Example (see below why it is bad):

    In [232]:
    # Import the data
    df = pd.read_csv("data/stcp-Rdataset-Diet.csv")
    # Look at the top of the file
    Person gender Age Height pre.weight Diet weight6weeks
    0 25 41 171 60 2 60.0
    1 26 32 174 103 2 103.0
    2 1 0 22 159 58 1 54.2
    3 2 0 46 192 60 1 54.0
    4 3 0 55 170 64 1 63.3
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    73 74 1 35 183 83 3 80.2
    74 75 1 49 177 84 3 79.9
    75 76 1 28 164 85 3 79.7
    76 77 1 40 167 87 3 77.8
    77 78 1 51 175 88 3 81.9

    78 rows × 7 columns

    In [233]:
    # Print the counts
    Person          78
    gender          78
    Age             78
    Height          78
    pre.weight      78
    Diet            78
    weight6weeks    78
    dtype: int64
    In [234]:
    # Create a new column with the loss of weight
    df["Loss"] = df["pre.weight"] - df["weight6weeks"]
    Person gender Age Height pre.weight Diet weight6weeks Loss
    0 25 41 171 60 2 60.0 0.0
    1 26 32 174 103 2 103.0 0.0
    2 1 0 22 159 58 1 54.2 3.8
    3 2 0 46 192 60 1 54.0 6.0
    4 3 0 55 170 64 1 63.3 0.7
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    73 74 1 35 183 83 3 80.2 2.8
    74 75 1 49 177 84 3 79.9 4.1
    75 76 1 28 164 85 3 79.7 5.3
    76 77 1 40 167 87 3 77.8 9.2
    77 78 1 51 175 88 3 81.9 6.1

    78 rows × 8 columns

    In [235]:
    # See the different values for the 'gender' column
    [' ' '0' '1']
    In [236]:
    # Remove the lines when the data is missing
    df = df[df["gender"] != ' ']
    # Print the new count
    Person          76
    gender          76
    Age             76
    Height          76
    pre.weight      76
    Diet            76
    weight6weeks    76
    Loss            76
    dtype: int64
    In [237]:
    # Represent the raw data
    g = sns.catplot(x="Diet", y="Loss", hue="gender",
                    data=df, height=8)
    In [238]:
    # Use boxplot to synthesize the information
    g = sns.catplot(x="Diet", y="Loss", hue="gender",
                   data=df, kind="bar", height=8)
    In [239]:
    # Do an Anova using the statsmodels library
    # with the 'loss' as a VD and 'gender' and 'diet' as VI
    formula = 'Loss ~ C(Diet) * C(gender)'
    model = ols(formula, df).fit()
    aov_table = anova_lm(model, typ=2)
    # Print the result
                           sum_sq    df         F    PR(>F)
    C(Diet)             60.417220   2.0  5.619026  0.005456
    C(gender)            0.168696   1.0  0.031379  0.859910
    C(Diet):C(gender)   33.904068   2.0  3.153204  0.048842
    Residual           376.329043  70.0       NaN       NaN

    So, are my conclusions valid?

    ...we need to check the normality of the data.

    Let's test the normality of the distribution using a D’Agostino and Pearson’s test. The null hypothesis is that the data are normally distributed.

    In [240]:
    # Boolean for selecting the data such as...
    # ...gender = 1
    is_g1 = df.gender == "1"
    # ...diet = 1
    is_d1 = df.Diet == 1
    # Compute the D'Agostino and Pearson's test
    k2, p = stats.normaltest(df.Diet[is_g1 & is_d1])
    # Print the result
    print(f"k2={k2}, p={p}")
    k2=2122.8650702932387, p=0.0
    /Users/aureliennioche/.pyenv/versions/3.9.1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/stats/stats.py:1541: UserWarning: kurtosistest only valid for n>=20 ... continuing anyway, n=10
      warnings.warn("kurtosistest only valid for n>=20 ... continuing "

    ...unfortunately, our sample is too small. Are my conclusions still valid?

    Nope! This was a bad example as we can not be sure that the conditions of applications are met. The solution? Using a non-parametric (rank-dependent) test!

    Computing 'by hand' the Mann-Whitney U


    Generate data

    We want data that are not normally distributed. Let's take the example of a gamma distribution (we could have choose any other one, for instance the beta distribution, this is just an example, it doesn't matter which one we choose, it just does have to be NOT normal).

    So let's consider data following a Gamma distribution, that is such that: $$ X \sim \mathrm{Gamma} (\alpha ,\beta )$$ with $\alpha, \beta \in \mathbb{R}$, two parameters.

    Note: the gamma distribution is something different than the gamma function (even if there is a connection: the PDF of the gamma distribution uses the gamma function).

    In [241]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Set the parameters
    # From the doc of 'np.random.gamma': Samples are drawn from a Gamma distribution with specified parameters, 
    # shape (sometimes designated “k”) and scale (sometimes designated “theta”), 
    # where both parameters are > 0.
    # knowing that shape=alpha and theta = 1/beta
    k1, t1 = 1, 10
    k2, t2 = 1.3, 14
    n = 25
    # Generate two samples
    x1 = np.random.gamma(k1, scale=t1, size=n)
    x2 = np.random.gamma(k2, scale=t2, size=n)
    # Put it in a dataframe and display
    df = pd.DataFrame({"x1": x1, "x2": x2})
    x1 x2
    0 1.121221 29.337056
    1 13.683424 10.555135
    2 8.493649 9.035222
    3 6.129344 7.968024
    4 4.856549 33.048903
    5 3.201905 6.520517
    6 11.025071 44.421122
    7 5.033123 17.018304
    8 3.306910 18.598031
    9 15.137628 3.738932
    10 9.140287 22.200187
    11 1.311871 3.936454
    12 4.935983 20.492586
    13 36.884139 9.894295
    14 6.303581 15.798569
    15 1.510222 26.522910
    16 0.429791 35.054215
    17 13.019395 5.164618
    18 9.560859 5.161789
    19 23.302862 13.870422
    20 9.745382 13.703902
    21 3.012696 24.920623
    22 8.108450 30.882238
    23 5.191712 70.365117
    24 1.528667 13.533102
    Visualize data
    In [242]:
    # Create the figure and axes
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16, 6))
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(data=df, ax=ax1,
    # Plot the boxplot
    df_melted = df.melt(var_name="sample")
    sns.boxplot(x="sample", y="value", ax=ax2, data=df_melted)

    Computing the Mann–Whitney U with SciPy

    In [243]:
    # Compute the Mann-Whitney U
    # Note: the default option is deprecated
    # Remember to use the argument "alternative='two-sided'"
    u, p = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(x1, x2, alternative='two-sided')
    # Print the results
    print(f"u = {u}, p={p}")
    u = 131.0, p=0.00044488884040892583

    Computing the Mann–Whitney U by 'hand'

    1. Assign numeric ranks to all the observations (put the observations from both groups to one set), beginning with 1 for the smallest value. Where there are groups of tied values, assign a rank equal to the midpoint of unadjusted rankings.


    • the ranks of (3, 5, 6, 15, 25) are (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    • the ranks of (3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 8) are (1, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 6) [note the unadjusted rank would be (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))].
    In [244]:
    # Compute the n
    n1 = len(x1)
    n2 = len(x2)
    # Rank the values
    ranked = stats.rankdata(np.concatenate((x1, x2)))
    # Print the result
    print("ranked values", ranked)
    ranked values [ 2. 32. 22. ... 45. 50. 31.]
    1. add up the ranks for the observations which came from sample 1. The sum of ranks in sample 2 is now determinate, since the sum of all the ranks equals $N(N + 1)/2$ where $N$ is the total number of observations.

    $U$ is then given by:

    $$U_{1}=R_{1}-{n_{1}(n_{1}+1) \over 2}\,\!$$

    where n1 is the sample size for sample 1, and R1 is the sum of the ranks in sample 1.

    $$U_{2}=R_{2}-{n_{2}(n_{2}+1) \over 2}\,\!$$
    In [245]:
    # Get the ranks for the sample x1
    rank_x1 = ranked[0:n1]
    # Compute U for x1
    u1 = n1 * n2 + (n1 * (n1 + 1)) / 2.0 - np.sum(rank_x1, axis=0)
    # The remainder is U for x2
    u2 = n1 * n2 - u1
    # Print the result
    print(f"u1 = {u1}; u2 = {u2}")
    u1 = 494.0; u2 = 131.0
    In [246]:
    # Compare with what is obtained using Scipy...
    u, p = stats.mannwhitneyu(x1, x2, alternative='two-sided')
    print(f"u = {u}, p={p}")
    u = 131.0, p=0.00044488884040892583

    Compute by hand the p-value of a Mann-Whitney U

    For large samples (n>20), U is approximately normally distributed, with

    $$\mu = \frac {n_{1}n_{2}}{2}$$$$\sigma^2 = \sqrt {n_1 n_2 (n_1+n_2+1) \over 12}$$

    if there is a tie, a correction is necessary:

    $$\sigma^2_{\text{corr}}={\sqrt {{n_{1}n_{2} \over 12}\left((n+1)-\sum _{i=1}^{k}{{t_{i}}^{3}-t_{i} \over n(n-1)}\right)}}\,$$

    where $n = n_1 + n_2$, $t_i$ is the number of subjects sharing rank $i$, and $k$ is the number of (distinct) ranks.

    In [247]:
    # Compute the mean of the U distribution
    mean_rank = n1*n2/2.0
    # Print the result
    print("mean_rank", mean_rank)
    mean_rank 312.5
    In [248]:
    # Compute the sd of the U distribution
    # Note: we assume that there is not tie here
    sd = np.sqrt(n1 * n2 * (n1 + n2 + 1) / 12.0) 
    # Print the result
    print("sd", sd)
    sd 51.53882032022076
    In [249]:
    # Take the max of U1 and U2
    u = max(u1, u2)
    # Compute the p-value
    p = (1 - stats.norm.cdf(u, loc=mean_rank, scale=sd)) * 2
    # Print the result
    print("p", p)
    p 0.0004289228995439931
    In [250]:
    # Alternative: compute Z-score first
    z = (u - mean_rank) / sd
    # Compute the p-value using the Z-score
    p = (1 - stats.norm.cdf(z)) * 2
    print("p", p)
    p 0.0004289228995439931
    In [251]:
    # Compare with what is obtained using Scipy...
    u, p = stats.mannwhitneyu(x1, x2, alternative='two-sided')
    print(f"u = {u}, p={p}")
    u = 131.0, p=0.00044488884040892583
    In [252]:
    # The small difference disappears with 'use_continuity=False' argument
    # Indeed, by default, a correction is made assuming data 
    # are on a continuous scale
    u, p = stats.mannwhitneyu(x1, x2, use_continuity=False, 
    # Print the result
    print(f"u = {u}, p={p}")
    u = 131.0, p=0.00042892289954401424

    Computing by hand a Pearson Coefficient


    Load the data
    In [253]:
    # Import the data
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("data", "rr.csv"))
    # Take a look
    Country Year Debt Growth
    0 Australia 1946 190.419080 -3.557951
    1 Australia 1947 177.321371 2.459475
    2 Australia 1948 148.929811 6.437534
    3 Australia 1949 125.828699 6.611994
    4 Australia 1950 109.809398 6.920201
    ... ... ... ... ...
    1170 US 2005 62.766724 3.054518
    1171 US 2006 63.489973 2.672807
    1172 US 2007 63.985488 2.141613
    1173 US 2008 74.091061 0.438166
    1174 US 2009 83.482835 -2.730170

    1175 rows × 4 columns

    Visualize data
    In [254]:
    # Create figure and axes
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 4))
    # Plot a scatter plot
    sns.scatterplot(x="Debt", y="Growth", ax=ax, data=df)
    Compute r
    In [255]:
    # Shortcut for our two columns of interest
    debt, growth = df["Debt"], df["Growth"]
    # Compare it using Scipy
    r_, p = stats.pearsonr(debt, growth)
    print(f"r={r_}, p={p}")
    r=-0.19986576578883178, p=4.723997934448434e-12
    Compute r 'by hand'
    In [256]:
    # shortcuts
    x = debt
    y = growth
    # Compute the numerator
    r_num = np.sum((x - np.mean(x)) * (y - np.mean(y)))
    # Compute the denominator
    r_denom = np.sqrt(np.sum((x - np.mean(x))**2))*np.sqrt(np.sum((y - np.mean(y))**2))
    # Compute the r-value
    r = r_num/r_denom
    # Print the result
    print("r", r)
    r -0.19986576578883175
    Compute the p-value of r 'by hand'

    For computing a p-value, we assume that the coefficient correlation follows a Student's t-distribution.

    We can compute the t-value by using the formula: $$t=r{\sqrt {\frac {\nu}{1-r^{2}}}}$$ with $\nu = n-2$ the number of degrees of freedom.

    Then, we can use the the cumulative distribution function of the t-distribution to compute the p-value.

    In [257]:
    # Get the n
    n = len(x)
    # Compute the degrees of freedom
    dof = n - 2
    # Compute the t-value
    t = r * np.sqrt(dof/(1 - r**2))
    # Compute the p-value
    p = 2 * (1 - stats.distributions.t.cdf(np.abs(t), dof))
    # Print the result
    print("p", p)
    p 4.723998969780041e-12
    In [258]:
    # Compare with what is obtained using Scipy
    r_, p = stats.pearsonr(x, y)


    Remember that this is a 'bad' example of application, as neither the distribution of growth, or the distribution or debt can be expected to be normal. The rank-dependent equivalent of the Pearson correlation coefficient should be used instead: the Spearman correlation coefficient.

    Extra information about the confidence interval

    Let's come back to the example.


    Generate data
    In [259]:
    # Seed the random number generator
    # Generate a sample
    x = np.random.normal(100, scale=30, size=30)
    # Print a few values
    print("x", x)
    x [ 93.85877022 114.36830014  84.41683855 ... 115.71316204 100.02820833
    Visualize data
    In [260]:
    # Create the figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 4))
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(x, ax=ax, stat="density", alpha=0.3, element="step")
    # Set the axis labels
    Compute the CI
    In [261]:
    # Set the threshold
    alpha = 0.05
    # Get the sample size
    n = len(x)
    # Compute the mean
    m = np.mean(x)
    # Compute the sd
    sd = np.std(x)
    # Compute the CDF value at the upper bound
    cdf_value_upper_bound = 1 - alpha / 2.
    # Compute the number of degrees of freedom
    dof = n-1
    # Compute t*
    # ppf: Percent point function: inverse of the CDF
    t_star = stats.t.ppf(cdf_value_upper_bound, dof)  
    # Compute the size of half of the confidence interval
    c = sd/np.sqrt(n) * t_star 
    # Compute the confidence interval
    ci = m-c, m+c
    # Print the result
    print("CI = ", ci)
    CI =  (98.45463000700664, 121.83074738449542)
    Visualize the CI
    In [262]:
    # Create figure and axes
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 4))
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(x, ax=ax, color="C0", alpha=0.3, stat="density", element="step")
    # Set the axis labels
    # Plot the vertical lines
    ax.axvline(ci[0], ls="--", color="red", lw=3)
    ax.axvline(ci[1], ls="--", color="red", lw=3)
    ax.axvline(m, color="C0", lw=2, ls=':')

    Let see try now to have an intuition about how we find the $t^*$.

    Visualize how to find $t^*$

    Finding $t^*$ consists in finding for which $t$-value the CDF of the $t$ distribution is equal to $1-\alpha/2$. For computing this, we are using the PPF (percent point function) of the $t$ distribution, which is the inverse of the CDF, but we can 'solve this graphically' just looking at the CDF. So here we go:

    In [263]:
    # Create the figure and axes
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(14, 6))
    # Set the range of values
    t_min, t_max = -3, 3
    ax = axes[0]
    # Plot the CDF on the right panel
    y2 = stats.t.cdf(t, df=dof)
    ax.plot(t, y2, color="red")
    # Plot the position of the upper bound
    ax.axvline(t_star, ls='--', color="red", label=r'$t^*$')
    #. Plot the position of the y-value
    ax.plot((t_min,t_star), (1-alpha/2, 1-alpha/2), color="black", alpha=0.5, lw=2, ls=":",
            label=r"$1 - \alpha /2$")
    ax.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1-alpha/2, 1])
    # Set the axis labels
    ax = axes[1] 
    # Plot the bell curve
    t = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, 1000) 
    y = stats.t.pdf(t, df=dof)
    ax.plot(t, y)
    # Plot the position fo the upper bounds
    ax.axvline(t_star, ls='--', color="red")
    # Fill the area under the curve
    x_f = np.linspace(t_min, t_star, 1000)
    y_f = stats.t.pdf(x_f, df=dof)
    ax.fill_between(x_f, 0, y_f, color="red")
    # Set the axis labels

    An example of bad application of confidence interval: Flight delays.

    Let's assume that we are looking for an estimation of the average flight delay, with confidence interval at 95%.

    Load data

    Let's consider flight arrival delays. Data come from https://data.world/bob-wakefield/flights

    In [264]:
    # Import the data
    df = pd.read_csv("data/flights.csv")
    # Print the top of the file
    year month day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time sched_arr_time arr_delay carrier flight tailnum origin dest air_time distance hour minute time_hour
    0 2013 1 1 517.0 515 2.0 830.0 819 11.0 UA 1545 N14228 EWR IAH 227.0 1400 5 15 2013-01-01T05:00:00Z
    1 2013 1 1 533.0 529 4.0 850.0 830 20.0 UA 1714 N24211 LGA IAH 227.0 1416 5 29 2013-01-01T05:00:00Z
    2 2013 1 1 542.0 540 2.0 923.0 850 33.0 AA 1141 N619AA JFK MIA 160.0 1089 5 40 2013-01-01T05:00:00Z
    3 2013 1 1 544.0 545 -1.0 1004.0 1022 -18.0 B6 725 N804JB JFK BQN 183.0 1576 5 45 2013-01-01T05:00:00Z
    4 2013 1 1 554.0 600 -6.0 812.0 837 -25.0 DL 461 N668DN LGA ATL 116.0 762 6 0 2013-01-01T06:00:00Z
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    336771 2013 9 30 NaN 1455 NaN NaN 1634 NaN 9E 3393 NaN JFK DCA NaN 213 14 55 2013-09-30T14:00:00Z
    336772 2013 9 30 NaN 2200 NaN NaN 2312 NaN 9E 3525 NaN LGA SYR NaN 198 22 0 2013-09-30T22:00:00Z
    336773 2013 9 30 NaN 1210 NaN NaN 1330 NaN MQ 3461 N535MQ LGA BNA NaN 764 12 10 2013-09-30T12:00:00Z
    336774 2013 9 30 NaN 1159 NaN NaN 1344 NaN MQ 3572 N511MQ LGA CLE NaN 419 11 59 2013-09-30T11:00:00Z
    336775 2013 9 30 NaN 840 NaN NaN 1020 NaN MQ 3531 N839MQ LGA RDU NaN 431 8 40 2013-09-30T08:00:00Z

    336776 rows × 19 columns

    In [265]:
    # Clean the data set by removing the nan values
    x = df.dropna()["arr_delay"].values
    Visualize data
    In [266]:
    # Create figure and axe
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 4))
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(x="arr_delay", ax=ax, color="C0", linewidth=0, 
                 alpha=0.5, stat="density", data=df)
    # Set the axis labels

    Zooming a little bit...

    In [267]:
    # Create figure and axe
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 4))
    # Plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(x="arr_delay", ax=ax, color="C0", linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, stat="density", data=df)
    # Set the limits of the x-axis
    ax.set_xlim(-200, 200)
    # Set the axis labels

    It doesn't look really like a normal distribution...

    Check for normality

    Let's check the normality of the data.

    For this, we can use a D’Agostino and Pearson’s test. The null hypothesis is that the data are normally distributed.

    In [268]:
    # Compute the D’Agostino and Pearson’s test for our sample
    k2, p = stats.normaltest(x)
    # Print the result
    print(f"k2={k2}, p={p}")
    k2=271017.5230787647, p=0.0

    The probability to reject the null-hypothesis is close to zero: the data are probability not normally distributed.

    ...so what should I do?

    That's a shame, but just stop here!


    A statistical test have conditions of application! Do not forget them to have valid conclusions.