Hello world! I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the Inference, Dynamics and Interaction group led by Pr. Roderick Murray-Smith at the University of Glasgow. Combining cognitive modelling and machine learning, I aim to understand how, in various contexts, the collaboration between an artificially intelligent system and a human can be improved if inferences are made about the user's cognitive characteristics. Taking part in a large-scale interdisciplinary project called Quest, my current goal is to foresee how you could better interact with "smart" devices that monitors your health, how they could better help reaching your own goals while respecting your privacy and your sense of agency.


You can find a list on my publications on Google Scholar. Most of my publications (but unfortunately not all of them) are accessible in open access on ResearchGate.


Almost all the code that I am writing for the different projects is accessible on GitHub:


If you want to know more about what I'm doing, don't hesitate to shoot me an email at: